P & F
We hope that you find the information on our website informative and that it provides an insight into the role the P&F plays at St Luke’s and how parents can become involved in our school.
All parents of St. Luke’s automatically become members of the P&F upon enrolment of their child in the school. In brief, the P&F is responsible for:
Raising funds for both large and small project, including capital works at the school along with maintaining and enhancing existing facilities.
Dispersing funds amongst many different activities that are offered to the children. The aim is to help cover various incidental costs including graduation festivities and school camp transport costs.
Organising functions through the year to encourage a greater community spirit. Some of these functions are fund-raisers and some are purely social occasions.
Holding P&F meetings twice each term via Zoom. P&F meetings are open to parents and attendance is strongly encouraged. P&F meetings are an excellent way to find out exactly what the school is involved in and what is planned for the future. Our Principal, Mrs Kerry Hewitson, attends the meetings to give a report on school issues.
We strongly encourage all parents to become involved with the P&F in some way as it helps build great community spirit within the school and provides an avenue to raise funds, which ultimately benefits all our children.
For further information on the role of the P&F committee, services the P&F offer and events we are involved in, please contact us on the email below.
If there is something you think you would like to help us out with, please feel free to let us know!
Kathryn McMullen
Contact Us
I wish to introduce you to our P&F Executive for 2023:
President: Kathryn McMullen
Vice President: Jaime Marshall
Treasurer: Reece Neale
Secretary: Elise Cruttenden
General: Rebecca Whittle, Joscelin Bell & Nicole Mills
Fathering Group
The Fathering Group at St Luke's initiative was founded to foster a strong school community and develop links with the broader community. We aim to support fathers and father figures through connection whilst positively engaging with the children in their lives.
Research has shown that fathering groups like this can:
Improve father/ child connection
Support child development
Improve positive mental health
Model different parenting styles
Throughout the year, the P&F Fathering Group organises a range of engaging activities and events involving father/ father figures and their children. We also host adult-only events to assist in developing a deep sense of community amongst our members.
For more information about the P&F Fathering Group, please email stlukesfatheringgroup@gmail.com or join the Facebook group which can be found here.