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Teaching and Learning: Academics
Specialist Programs

Physical Education

Physical Education is an important part of our school curriculum, providing students with opportunities to be active and learn about the importance of physical activity.

The program aims to increase student confidence, teach new skills, develop social skills, and practise teamwork.


Students at St Luke’s Catholic Primary participate in an extensive Physical Education program from Pre-Kindergarten to Year Six.


Pre–Kindergarten to Year Two Physical Education lessons focus on fundamental movement skills through games and exercise routines to challenge and extend the students. Year Three to Six students have a focus on game skills through participation in a range of sports.  The aim of both programs is to develop a love for physical activity and foster a healthy, active lifestyle.


Students have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of different sports which include;

 Cricket, Tennis, AFL, Soccer, Lightening Carnivals, Basketball, Netball, Volleyball, Fitness, Cross Country (Kindergarten – Year Six), Tag Rugby, Athletics, Lacrosse, Tee ball, Badminton and more!



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Throughout the year, the Year Five and Six students participate in a number of Interschool Carnivals which include basketball, cricket, netball, soccer, AFL, tennis, volleyball, badminton, and tag rugby.

Kindergarten to Year Six students participate in Cross Country and the Athletics Carnival.  Year Four to Six students participate in the Swimming carnival as well.  Students who excel are selected to represent St. Luke’s at Interschool level.


St. Luke’s offers a range of extracurricular activities.  Running club is on a Thursday morning for all students and parents on the school oval and runs throughout the year.  Running club is a great way to start the day, build relationships and improve your fitness at the same time.

We offer a HIIT class every Wednesday morning in Term One to kickstart the day.  


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Children are naturally curious and have an innate sense of wonder. Science at St Luke’s Catholic Primary School should nurture this curiosity and allow our students to ask questions and develop the skills they need to answer those questions. We aim to make Science fun and hands on while making sense of the real world around us. Through games and play, we hope engagement in this Learning Area will help our students to find out things for themselves.

St Luke’s offers a Specialist Science program for students in Pre-Kindy to Year Six that develops skills in Science Understanding, Science as a Human Endeavour and Science Inquiry Skills. Students work in structured, collaborative teams to learn about Biological Science, Chemical Science, Earth and Space Science and Physical Science. 

Linked to the Science Curriculum, we practise Sustainability in our school. We are teaching our students how to reduce our use of natural resources and to be aware of the environment around us.

The school has a dedicated STEM Learning Hub and offers a wide range of equipment to support the Science Curriculum. We aim to make our students have a positive experience with Science and hopefully follow this to secondary school and beyond as a potential career.  Who knows – the next future scientist who solves some global problems may currently be inspired by our school!


The Visual Arts programme at St Luke’s provides the time, space, resources and techniques to engage, inspire and enrich the students, exciting the imagination and encouraging them to reach their creative and expressive potential. We endeavour to provide the students with many opportunities to share, cultivate and convey creative ideas with others within the designated art learning space located in ‘The Arts’ building.



Over the course of a year the students engage in the elements of Visual Arts based on the Western Australian Curriculum Outline. Through a diverse range of mediums the students have the opportunity to explore their ideas by using direct experience, observation, curiosity, research, imagination and emotion.


They are encouraged to interpret and reflect upon both their own work, that of their peers and also the works of famous artists from the past, contemporary Australian artists and International artists.

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Visual Arts at St Luke’s is not taught in isolation. It is viewed as only part of the journey to nurture and discover the many gifts and talents of the students.

Visual Arts

Wherever appropriate and possible it is linked to other areas of the curriculum to reinforce what is being taught in other subject areas in the classroom. This provides children with the opportunities to develop specific art skills and reinforce skills already established.


Artwork is displayed in the Art Room, classrooms and in the administration office of the school to showcase the different topics, techniques and mediums taught while also exhibiting the masterpieces completed by the students. Our belief is “Every child is an artist”.


All students participate in a weekly dance class in our purpose-built dance hall with a specialist Dance teacher. They learn how the body works in relation to alignment, strength, endurance and coordination through individual, group and whole class activities.


Students choreograph routines that include the elements of dance (body, space, time and energy). They are also taught sequences of movements and a broad spectrum of genres to extend their repertoire.


Presentation is valued with students performing for class members and at assemblies. By choreographing, collaborating and performing, students also develop key socio-emotional skills. Guest performers regularly perform at the school.




St Luke’s Catholic Primary School has been the proud partner of Telethon Speech & Hearing’s support program for student with a hearing loss since 1989.

Auslan is now recognised as an additional language in the Australian Curriculum and is now taught as LOTE here at St Luke’s.

Auslan is short for Australian sign language, a language used by deaf, or hearing impaired Australians. It’s a visual form of communication that uses hand, arm and body movements to convey meaning.

Students are engaged and excited to be learning this beautiful expressive language.
Auslan can also help students with communication issues, to have a voice.

St Luke’s is pleased to offer students the opportunity to learn Auslan and spread awareness in to the community.

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