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Teaching and Learning: Academics


St Luke’s prioritises Digital Technologies as an integral part of the core curriculum for students from Pre-Primary to Year 6. At St Luke’s we believe that technology is the future of all workplace skills that is required for our students of today.


To support our Technologies program, the school provides the necessary infrastructure, hardware, technicians and a Digital Technologies Lead teacher to support staff and students. Careful consideration is taken when purchasing school owned devices for students and their shared use in Junior Primary (Pre Primary – Year 2). St Luke’s provides our Year 3 students with a school owned and managed 1:1 iPad. In Years 4 to 6, students have a 1:1 BYOD iPad program.


Technology Resources & Infrastructure


Each room in St Luke’s is fitted with a large television or interactive CommBox to support our teaching and learning program. Additionally, our school is equipped with new infrastructure to ensure adequate bandwidth for 1:1 devices. Teachers have access to a bank of Lego and robotic equipment to enhance their Digital Technologies lessons.


Digital Communication


Parents are actively encouraged to be part of the school community online, with the use of the SeeSaw or OneNote, to view their child’s online Digital Portfolio.



Educating Future Ready Citizens 


Our main goal is to assist students towards becoming future ready citizens and to provide them with technical skills and collaborative abilities in order to function and work in the rapidly changing digital world.


We believe that technology compliments and assists teachers and students to learn, collaborate and explore during lessons. Digital tools are embedded across all areas of the curriculum at our school, both in the classroom and in specialist areas such as Science, Dance, Music, Art, Italian and Physical Education.

Please click here to purchase using our
St Luke's Catholic Primary School BYOD Portal. 
Our School Code is: stlukeswa2024

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